Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

This is how I have spent the last day of 2008! See you in 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Christmas Vacation

This is going to be a long one so bear with me! Oh, and none of the images are edited.

Last weekend, we headed to Dallas to see Crockett show us his karate moves and to celebrate Parker's 3rd birthday! Needless to say, Liz and I did a lot of shopping and the kids were too adorable for words.

We spent Christmas Eve with Mike's family! We had a great time eating, visiting, and opening gifts! Jax had a GREAT (those of you who were there know what Im talking about.....Chewy!) time as well. I went to Stratford with Erin and SJ this past weekend and had a very relaxing time! Too bad, I forgot my camera on that trip!

Mike and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 Survey

Where did you begin​ 2008?​
Lubbock, TX with Mike and the Gryders at Melt
What was your status by Valentine's Day?engaged
Did you have to go to the hospital?​I did - Emergency Room-migraine
Did you have any encounters with the police?just the Tech police for my headlight
Where did you go on vacation?Costa Rican Honeymoon
What did you purchase that was over $500?​Canon XSi Rebel, Costa Rican Honeymoon
Did you know anybody who got married?​Yes - ME
Where​do you live now?Lubbock, TX
Describe your birthday.I went out with my best friends like I always do!
What's the one thing​you thought you would never do but did in2008? marry my best friend
What has/​have been your favorite moment(​s)​?​my wedding ceremony, lots in Costa Rica!
Any new additions to your family?​a husband, Landry Martinez, Amelia Martinez
What was your best month​?November
Who has been your best drinking buddy​?​Lesli and Emily
Any regrets?nope
What do you want to change in 2009?​I want to stress less and get pregnant!
Overall,​ how would​ you rate this year?​ 10
Have any life changes in 2008?​I got married.
Chang​e your hairs​tyle? yes, its LONG!
Get a new job? NO, added one...AM Photography
Do you have a New Year'​s resol​ution​?​ I just want to be more healthy and focus more on my relationship wiht Christ.
Did anyth​ing embar​rassi​ng?​Too many things
Get marri​ed or divor​ced?​ YES, married
Be hones​t - did you watch​ Ameri​can Idol?​A little
Start​ a new hobby​?​ photography
Are you happy to see 2008 go? I am excited to see what 2009 holds for Mike and I!
Drank​ Starbucks in 2008?​Si
Been naughty or nice?​nice most of the time - a little naughty
What are you wishing for in 2009?​To have a happy and healthy family.....

Free Session

I am giving away a few free sessions to get this business off the ground! I will do families, newborns, children, and couples. If you are interested email me @!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Here are a few of my bridal portraits taken by Pamra Culp @ www.!

AM Photography

The adventure has begun! Check it out!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Weekly Ten

Here it is. (better late than never)

1. We are married!!!
2. Our honeymoon was to come later.
3. Our home is now OURS, for real and it feels so good.
4. Molly and Jax are nuts! If we ever have a child, I don't know how Jax is going to deal.
5. I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. One more gift to go but it will have to wait until payday.
6. Stratford High School plays tomorrow at Lowrey Field in Lubbock, 2 pm. GO BIG BLUE!
7. My husband is coming home today from being gone ALL WEEK. I can't wait to hug his neck!
8. We get to go to Dallas next weekend for our niece, Parker's birthday and to have Christmas with Monica and Dave! We can't wait! North Park here I come!
9. Where is my sister? I have not talked to her since my wedding night! If you are out there, I love you.
10. I think the worst chore in my house is folding clothes. We did laundry on Sunday and all the clean clothes are still on top of the washer. I am gonna have to work on this wife gig. I am lucky my husband so laid back!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Wedding Pics

Thanks to our friends Seth and Ashley, we have more pictures to share! I know I need to upload the honeymoon pictures but I haven't gotten that far yet! Oh, and they are all out of order...sorry.


newleyweds at the piano bar

Jon and Mike

groomsmen and ushers

Me, Dad, Erin

Friday, December 5, 2008

We are back....

and tired. I will get on the rest of the pictures this week after I write a paper that I forgot about. Ahhh...reality.